This week science lost a celebrity of the most unusual sort. Known to people around the world as Lonesome George, he was recognized as the last living member of his subspecies, the Pinta giant tortoise (Geochelone abingdoni) one of the giant tortoises of the Galapagos Islands. These slow and steady creatures hold a special place in science history. Observing differences between the giant tortoise populations of different Galapagos Islands helped a young Charles Darwin develop his theory of evolution. Continue reading “And Then There Were None, Or Were There? Lonesome George and the Giant Tortoises of the Galapagos Islands”
Want Your Kids to Eat Their Vegetables? Start Them Early and Give Them Water
As I write this, a can of diet soda sits open on my desk (where I am eating my lunch) and I am fighting the urge to supplement my lunch with a bag of chips out of the vending machine. The reusable, BPA-free glass I keep at my desk for ice water sits neglected, as does the apple I brought in my lunch. So why, if I have an apple sitting right there, am I tempted to visit the vending machine for chips? New research suggests that the blame could lie with that can of diet soda.
The study, made available online ahead of publication (1), found that from a very early age, people associate sweeten drinks with salty and higher fat foods such as pizza and French fries (or chips). Perhaps partly as a result of this association, young people (ages 19–23 years) viewed unfavorably the pairing of a sweetened drink with raw or cooked vegetables. The test subjects showed strong reactions (either positive or negative) to the pairing of sweetened drinks with certain foods. In contrast, water didn’t evoke strong any reactions indicating that it was viewed as reasonable complement to most food. Continue reading “Want Your Kids to Eat Their Vegetables? Start Them Early and Give Them Water”
There Are Tadpoles on the Kitchen Floor
As a mother, there are things that you just can not anticipate. Take this morning for example.
“Mom!” My daughter yelled, “There are tadpoles on the kitchen floor.”
The worst part was I knew I had only myself to blame. Continue reading “There Are Tadpoles on the Kitchen Floor”
The Biggest Blunders of Job Searching: Part 3 Presentations
No matter what type of job you are interviewing for, you may be asked to give a seminar or presentation. When I interviewed for my first HR job, I had to give a presentation on any topic I wanted. Other jobs specify that you need to give a presentation on a topic specifically related to the job. In my case, they were looking for both presentation skills and my ability to teach. When asked to present on a job-related topic, a potential employer may be looking for your ability to organize information and your knowledge on the topic. Presentations can be scary, but some good old-fashioned preparation can make things go much more smoothly.
In order to prepare, you need to know what your audience is looking for. Read on for some things to avoid during your presentation. Continue reading “The Biggest Blunders of Job Searching: Part 3 Presentations”
Want to Look More Attractive? Eat More Fruits and Vegetables.
Fruits and vegetables are an important dietary source of nutrients, including antioxidants that help stave off cellular damage due to oxidative stress and could protect us against a variety of age-related diseases, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and perhaps some forms of cancer. Nutrition experts advise us to eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables each day, but many of us don’t. Furthermore, the health benefits of a vegetable-rich diet aren’t necessarily enough motivation for us to change our diets, even though we know we should. A recent finding reported in PLoS ONE gives us an extra reason to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into our menus: We might just improve our skin color and look more attractive.
Continue reading “Want to Look More Attractive? Eat More Fruits and Vegetables.”
How Does Your Garden Grow? Why, Naturally, Of Course!
How does your garden grow? Well, normally, I would tell you that it doesn’t, not until late May anyway. But this year, the grass is green, the trees are flowering and the garden is already tilled in early April! Unseasonably warm temperatures come with questions: Is this global warming? The 2012 apocalypse? When can I start planting???
I fell in love with vegetable gardening about three years ago when a coworker brought in some extra seedlings. There is nothing like watching food grow up from a mere seed and then harvesting and eating! At Promega, we have some community garden space, which is great since my black walnut tree at home kills all my tomatoes. We are attempting to keep this garden space organic. As a new gardener, I am still learning what this means, so I thought I would share some of my new-found information.
Continue reading “How Does Your Garden Grow? Why, Naturally, Of Course!”The Daughters of King Tutankhamun
The pharaoh Tutankhamun ruled ancient Egypt during the 18th dynasty of the New Kingdom (circa 1550–1295 BC), one of the most powerful royal houses in ancient Egypt. Although he sat on the throne for only 9 years and died at the young age of 19, he is one of the most well known pharaohs, due largely in part to the discovery of his intact tomb by archaeologist Howard Carter in 1922. The tomb was filled with riches befitting a king, including an elaborate sarcophagus with a gold burial mask and statues of ancient Egyptian gods such as Osiris and Anubis, as well as gold jewelry, statues and images of servants, ornate furniture, models of boats and other items that the pharaoh would need in the afterlife. A lesser known item discovered in his tomb was an undecorated wooden box in which two small gilded coffins lay side by side. These coffins held the mummified remains of King Tutankhamun’s two stillborn daughters. Recently, researchers examined these remains in detail to determine their gestational ages and characterize any congenital abnormalities that they might have inherited from the boy king.
Continue reading “The Daughters of King Tutankhamun”Poisoners and Scientists

If you eat enough silver, you will turn blue, but it probably won’t kill you.
In the 1920s, you could buy energy drinks and cosmetics containing radium. Because of its beneficial effects on tumors, it was believed to be healthy.
Arsenic was once known as “the inheritance powder”, because it was so commonly used to eliminate relatives who stayed alive too long.
In the 1930s the poison thallium was used in depilatory creams, because of its excellent ability to make hair fall out, but also because of its ability to lend a beautiful pale luster to the skin.
These are just a few of the fascinating facts and stories you can find in “The Poisoner’s Handbook”, by Deborah Blum
Continue reading “Poisoners and Scientists”Whorl by Whorl, I Am Science
Since the SCIO12 meeting, I have followed the #Iamscience discussion with interest. Reading the posts of others made me wonder, how did I become a scientist? When did I become a science writer? Where did the interest start? How did I end up where I am now? Continue reading “Whorl by Whorl, I Am Science”
A Little Science Humor for Lunch
At ScienceOnline 2012, Brian Malow also known as @sciencecomedian performed a short routine during the Saturday lunch. He complained that several jokes floating around the web were not attributed to him so I thought I would share a few I remembered complete with attribution. His sense of humor appealed to me as I was raised in a home rife with puns. Yes, my family can carry on an entire conversation dedicated to a single theme, no music necessary.
Fans of the television show “The Big Bang Theory” are likely to understand this reference: Schrödinger’s cat walked into a bar…or did it?
For chemistry buffs: Helium drifted into a bar. The bartender says “We don’t serve noble gases in this bar.” Helium doesn’t react.
If you enjoy reading about the Large Hadron Collider and the search for a certain particle: A Higgs Boson entered a church. The priest said “We don’t allow your kind in here.” The Higgs Boson replied “Without me, you have no mass.”
Microbiologists may appreciate this one: An infectious disease enters a bar. The bartender says “We don’t serve your kind. You’re Staph.”
More wordplay with particles: A neutron enters a bar. The bartender says “For you, no charge.”